Where Do I Edit CSS in WordPress?

Creating custom CSS for your WordPress site is a great way to improve the look and feel of your site. However, if you’re not familiar with CSS, it can be difficult to know where to edit it.

In this article, we’ll tell you where to find and edit your CSS in WordPress.

Where to Find and Edit CSS in WordPress

To find and edit your CSS in WordPress, first open your site in your browser. Then, click on the “Appearance” tab in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Finally, click on “CSS” in the list of tabs at the top of the screen.

In the CSS pane that opens, you’ll see a list of all the CSS files that are included in your WordPress site. The first file that you’ll want to edit is the style.

css file. This file is located in the root of your WordPress site, and it contains the default CSS for your site.

To make changes to your CSS, you’ll first need to identify the section of the style.css file that you want to modify.

Then, you can begin editing the code that you want to change.

To find the specific section of the style.css file that you need to edit, you can use the search bar at the top of the CSS pane.

This bar allows you to search for specific words or phrases within the file.

Once you’ve located the section of the style.css file that you need to edit, you can begin making your changes. To add a new line of CSS, you can either use the keyboard or the mouse.

To add a new line of CSS using the keyboard, you’ll first need to press the Enter key. Then, you can type the code that you want to add to the document.

To add a new line of CSS using the mouse, you’ll first need to click on the line that you want to add a new line of code to. Then, you can click on the keyboard icon that appears next to the line that you’ve selected.

This icon allows you to enter the code that you want to add to the document.

Once you’ve added the code that you want to add to the style.css file, you can Save the file.

This will save the changes that you’ve made to the file, and it will also automatically generate a new version of the style.css file that includes the changes that you’ve made.


Editing your CSS in WordPress is a great way to improve the look and feel of your site. However, if you’re not familiar with CSS, it can be difficult to know where to find and edit it.

In this article, we’ve told you where to find and edit your CSS in WordPress.