Where Do I Edit HTML Code in WordPress?

HTML in WordPress is treated a bit differently than most other types of content. While you can certainly edit it in a text editor like Microsoft Word, there are a few extra steps you need to take in order to make sure your changes show up in the WordPress site.

First, you need to activate the HTML editor in WordPress. This can be done by going to the “Appearance” tab in your WordPress admin area, and selecting “Editor” from the list of options.

Once the editor is activated, you can start editing your HTML content.

However, you’ll need to be careful when editing your HTML. WordPress doesn’t support all of the same basic HTML tags that you would use in a standard document.

In order to make your changes take effect, you’ll need to use the WordPress tags. For example, you would use the

tag to create a paragraph, and the tag to create an anchor link.

Once you have your HTML edited to your liking, you can save the file and preview it in the WordPress editor. If everything looks correct, you can then upload the file to your WordPress site.