What Is the Difference Between WordPress URL and Site URL?

When you create a WordPress blog or website, you need to choose a URL (Uniform Resource Locator) to identify it. A URL is the address of a site on the World Wide Web.

A WordPress URL is the address of your WordPress blog or website, without the domain name. For example, myblog.

WordPress.com is a WordPress URL.

A site URL is the address of your WordPress site, with the domain name.com/ is a site URL.

There are a few important differences between WordPress URLs and site URLs:

1. WordPress URL is the address of your WordPress blog or website, without the domain name.

2. A site URL is the address of your WordPress site, with the domain name.

3. A site URL is the only URL you need to use to access your WordPress site.

4. A WordPress URL is short and easy to remember.

5. WordPress URLs are usually shorter than site URLs.

6. WordPress URLs are case-sensitive.

7. A WordPress URL is unique for each WordPress blog or website.

8. A WordPress URL is automatically generated for you when you create a new WordPress blog or website.

9. You can change a WordPress URL if you want, but you can’t change a site URL.

10. WordPress URLs are often prefixed with wp- or wp-blog- or wp-site- .

11. Site URLs are always prefixed with www.

12. Site URLs are often longer than WordPress URLs.

13. Site URLs can include the domain name.

14. Site URLs can be translated.

15. Site URLs can be registered with a domain name.

16. Site URLs are more powerful than WordPress URLs.

17. Site URLs can be used to create a website or blog on any platform, including web, iPhone, and Android apps.

18. Site URLs can be used to create a website or blog in any language.

19. Site URLs can be used to create a website or blog in any country.

20. Site URLs can be used to create a website or blog on any domain.

21. Site URLs are more secure than WordPress URLs.

22. Site URLs are more visible than WordPress URLs.

23. Site URLs are more reliable than WordPress URLs.

24. Site URLs can be easier to remember than WordPress URLs.

25. Site URLs are more versatile than WordPress URLs.

26. Site URLs are more powerful than site URLs.

27. Site URLs are more reliable than site URLs.

28. Site URLs are more visible than site URLs.

29. Site URLs are more versatile than site URLs.


31. Site URLs are easier to remember than site URLs.





















There is a big difference between WordPress URLs and site URLs. WordPress URLs are the address of your WordPress blog or website, without the domain name. Site URLs are the address of your WordPress site, with the domain name. Site URLs are the only URL you need to use to access your WordPress site.

WordPress URLs are usually shorter than site URLs. You can change a WordPress URL if you want.