What Is Difference Between Site URL and Home URL in WordPress?

When you create a new WordPress site, you will need to provide a site URL (also called a web address) and a home URL (also called a domain name). Site URL is the URL that WordPress will use to display your site on the web, and home URL is the URL that WordPress will use to access your WordPress site files.

Site URL is usually the same as the domain name that you registered your WordPress site with, while home URL is usually the same as the hostname (i.e. the part of the URL before the domain name) of your WordPress site. For example, if your WordPress site is hosted on blog.example.com, your site URL would be blog.

example.com, while your home URL would be http://blog.com. .

Whenever you make any changes to your WordPress site, you will need to update both your site URL and home URL. You can also use a URL shortener like bit.

ly to make it easier to remember and type long site URLs.