What Is Default Post Type in WordPress?

Default Post Type in WordPress
A default post type is a post type that is created automatically when a new WordPress site is created. The default post type is called “post.

” There are a few other post types that are also created by default, but the post type that is the most common is the post.

When you create a new WordPress site, the post type is automatically created and set as the default. This means that all of the posts that you create will be in the post type.

If you want to create a new post type, you can do so by using the “Add New” button on the Posts screen in the WordPress admin area.

When you create a new post, the post type will be set as the default. You can change the default post type by using the “Post Type” drop-down on the “Settings” screen in the WordPress admin area.

This screen is located in the “Posts” section of the WordPress admin area.

The “Post Type” drop-down will list all of the post types that are currently installed on your WordPress site. If you want to create a new post type, you can select the “Post Type” option and then enter the name of the new post type in the “Name” field.

The “Description” field is also useful. You can enter a short description of the post type in this field.

This description will be shown in the “Post Type” drop-down on the “Settings” screen and in the “Type” column on the “Posts” screen.

The “Permalink” field is used to set the URL that is used when a post is displayed on the front-end of your WordPress site. The “Permalink” field is also used to create posts in the “Posts” screen.

You can use the “Post Type” drop-down to select the “Post” post type, and then enter the desired URL in the “Permalink” field.

The “Save” button is used to save the changes that you have made to the “Settings” screen. The “Publish” button is used to publish the post that you have created.

The “Edit” button is used to edit the content of the post that you have created. The “Delete” button is used to delete the post that you have created.