What Is a Post Type in WordPress?

A post type is a type of WordPress post that is used to organize your posts. WordPress has a few built-in post types, such as post, page, and attachment.

You can also create your own post types by using the add_post_type() function.

When you create a post type, WordPress creates a set of rules for how that post type behaves. For example, a post type called “blog” might have a custom taxonomy called “blogs” that you can use to organize your posts.

You can also use post types to define how your posts are displayed on your site. For example, you can create a post type called “reviews” that displays your reviews as separate pages on your site.

Finally, post types can be used to define how posts are published. For example, you can create a post type called “press” that uses the post_status() function to control how your posts are published.

So, what’s the big deal?

Post types can be a powerful way to organize your posts and control how they are displayed on your site. They can also be used to define how posts are published.