What Is Aside Post Format in WordPress?

Apart post format is a WordPress post type that allows you to create separate posts for each of your blog’s categories. This can be a great way to quickly and easily manage your blog’s content.

When you create an aside post, WordPress will create a new post with a category name as the post title. The content of the aside post will be placed in a separate paragraph immediately after the main content of the main post.

You can use aside posts to hold additional content that isn’t related to the main topic of the blog post. This can be a great way to share extra information about a specific topic, or to introduce new content that’s related to the main topic but doesn’t fit into the main post.


Aside posts are a great way to manage your blog’s content. They allow you to create separate posts for each of your blog’s categories, which can be a great way to quickly and easily manage your blog’s content.