What Is a Sticky Menu WordPress?

A sticky menu is a WordPress feature that lets you keep a menu open at the top of your page, even when you don’t have any posts or pages in it. This can be helpful if you want to quickly access a menu item without having to scroll down the page.

To create a sticky menu, first activate the sticky posts feature in WordPress. (You can find this under the WordPress admin area, under “Posts”). Then, justadd a menu item to your Posts page, like this:

Sticky menu items work the same way as regular WordPress menu items. You can add links to posts, pages, categories, or custom post types.

You can also add custom menus and submenus to your sticky posts menu.

When someone clicks a sticky menu item, the menu stays open until they click another menu item or close the page. This makes it easy to access your most-used menu items without having to scroll down the page.

Best of all, sticky menus are super easy to set up. Just add a menu item to your Posts page, and you’re ready to go!.