What Is Sticky Post in WordPress?

Sticky posts are posts that are constantly being interacted with by WordPress users. These posts typically have high engagement and are often the most popular posts on a site.

They are also a great way to keep users engaged with your site.

When a sticky post is created, it is given a certain identifying characteristic. This characteristic is used to track the post’s engagement and popularity.

The sticky post feature was originally designed for use by WordPress administrators. However, it is now available to all WordPress users.

There are a few things that you need to do in order to create a sticky post. The first is to add a post type to your site.

The post type that you choose doesn’t matter, as long as it is a post.

The next step is to add a meta data field to your post. You will need to enter the ID of the sticky post type that you have created.

This ID can be found in the WordPress admin area under the Posts section.

The final step is to add a content field to your post. This field will contain the content for your sticky post.

Once you have completed these steps, your post will be ready to be used as a sticky post.