What Is a Site Icon on WordPress?

When you first create a new site on WordPress, you will be asked to create a site icon. A site icon is simply a graphic that you can use to represent your site on the web.

You can use any graphic editing program to create your site icon, or you can use a free online service such as IcoMoon.

Once you have created your site icon, you will want to place it on your WordPress site. To do this, go to your WordPress site’s “Settings” screen and click on the “Appearance” tab. Next, scroll down to the “Icons” section and click on the “Add New” button.

In the “Icon File” field, enter the location of your site icon file. You can also use the “Upload” button to upload a file that you have already created.

Finally, enter a title for your icon in the “Title” field, and click on the “Save Changes” button. Your site icon will now appear on your WordPress site.


A site icon is simply a graphic that you can use to represent your site on the web. You can use any graphic editing program to create your site icon, or you can use a free online service such as IcoMoon. Once you have created your site icon, you will want to place it on your WordPress site. Finally, enter a title for your icon in the “Title” field, and click on the “Save Changes” button.