What Are Site Pages in WordPress?

A WordPress site has one main page, which is the home page. All of the other pages on the site are called “site pages.

” Site pages can be anything you want them to be, as long as they fit within the WordPress theme you are using. They can be blog posts, About pages, contact pages, or anything else you can think of.

The advantage of using site pages is that they are separate from the home page. This means that you can have different content on different site pages, and you can change the layout of each page without affecting the other pages on the site.

You can also add widgets to site pages to give them a more dynamic look and feel.

The disadvantage of using site pages is that they are separate from the home page. This means that you cannot use the home page to drive traffic to other site pages.

You will have to either use other methods to drive traffic to site pages, or add links to site pages from the home page.

The final advantage of using site pages is that they are easy to create and manage. You can create them using the WordPress editor, or you can use a plugin to help you create them.

They are also easy to update, if you need to make changes to the content or layout of a page.

In conclusion, site pages are a great way to create separate content areas on your WordPress site, without affecting the look and feel of the home page. They are easy to create and update, and they can be used to drive traffic to other parts of your site.