What Is a Retina Image WordPress?

A retina image is a high-resolution image that is displayed on devices with a high-resolution display, such as a retina display on a computer or a smartphone. A retina image is also known as a HiDPI image.

A retina image is displayed at a higher resolution than a standard image because the pixels are larger. This allows the image to be displayed more crisply and with more detail.

A retina image is not always necessary to display a high-quality image. However, a retina image is necessary to display a high-quality image on a device with a high-resolution display.

A retina image is also necessary to display a high-quality image on a website. A website that is designed for a retina display will usually have a retina image as the only image file.

A retina image is not necessary to display a high-quality image on a device with a low-resolution display. However, a website that is designed for a low-resolution display will usually have a standard image as the only image file.

A retina image is not necessary to display a high-quality image on a device with a standard display. However, a website that is designed for a standard display will usually have a standard image as the only image file. However, a website that is designed for a low-resolution display will usually have a retina image as the only image file.

A retina image is not necessary to display a high-quality image on a.