What Is a Post WordPress?

A post WordPress is a WordPress post or page that has been edited since the last time WordPress checked it. WordPress updates its database of posts and pages every time it checks for new posts, so a post WordPress is a post or page that is more recent than the others.

When you create a post or page in WordPress, WordPress saves the content of that post or page as a temporary file. WordPress then checks this file for new content every time it updates its database.

If WordPress finds new content, it updates the file and saves it to your server.

When you edit a post or page in WordPress, WordPress doesn’t update the file on your server. Instead, WordPress creates a new, temporary file and saves the edited content to it.

When you finish editing the post or page, you save the new, final version of the file to your server.

So a post WordPress is a post or page that is more recent than the others, and you can edit it without worrying about it going out of date.