Should I Install WordPress in a Subdirectory or Root?

When installing WordPress, you have the option to install it in a subdirectory or root directory. Both have their pros and cons, so it’s up to you to decide which one is best for your site.

Subdirectory Installation

One big pro of installing WordPress in a subdirectory is that it’s easy to keep your site organized. If you install WordPress in a subdirectory, all of your WordPress files and folders will be located in one place.

This makes it easy to find and manage your files.

Another pro of installing WordPress in a subdirectory is that it’s easy to upgrade. If you have WordPress installed in a subdirectory, all you have to do is upgrade your WordPress files and folders.

This is much easier than upgrading WordPress on a live website.

One con of installing WordPress in a subdirectory is that it can be difficult to find. If your site is big, it can be hard to find the WordPress files and folders.

This can be a problem if you need to troubleshoot a problem with your WordPress site.

Root Installation

One big pro of installing WordPress in a root directory is that it’s easy to access. If you have WordPress installed in a root directory, all of your WordPress files and folders will be located in one place.

Another pro of installing WordPress in a root directory is that it’s easy to upgrade. If you have WordPress installed in a root directory, all you have to do is upgrade your WordPress files and folders.

One con of installing WordPress in a root directory is that it can be difficult to find.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which installation option is best for your site. If you want to install WordPress in a subdirectory, make sure you keep your site organized.

If you want to install WordPress in a root directory, make sure you can easily find and upgrade your WordPress files.