What Is a Page Template in WordPress?

A WordPress page template is a pre-made layout that you can use as a starting point for your WordPress blog or website. Page templates can help you organize and standardize your blog content, make it easier to design, and make it easier for your readers to navigate.

When you create a new WordPress page template, WordPress automatically sets up the basic structure of your blog post. You can add your own content, or use the template to create a new post.

You can also use a page template to create a blog roll or a blog archive. When you create a blog roll, WordPress displays all your blog posts in reverse chronological order.

You can also use a page template to create a blog archive, which displays all your blog posts in alphabetical order.

When you create a page template, WordPress creates a folder called “pages” in your WordPress blog’s root folder. WordPress automatically adds a file called “default.

php” to this folder. This file contains the template’s basic structure.

You can use the “Pages” menu in WordPress’s admin area to manage your page templates. You can also use the “Page Attributes” screen in WordPress’s admin area to customize the template’s appearance.

WordPress provides a variety of page templates that you can use as a starting point for your blog. These templates include the “Blog Posts” page template, the “Blogroll” page template, and the “Archives” page template.