What Is the Default Page Template for WordPress?

WordPress has a default page template that is used to create pages in the WordPress admin area. The default template is called “Page.php” and is located in the wp-content/themes/default folder.

The Page.php file includes a number of sections that control the layout and appearance of pages in the WordPress admin area.

The most important part of the Page.php file is the main “header.php” file. This file contains the main elements of the page’s layout, including the title bar, navigation bar, and content areas.

The header.php file also includes some basic WordPress functions and hooks, which allow you to customize the look and feel of pages in the WordPress admin area.

The Page.php file also includes a number of other files and folders. The most important of these is the “scripts” folder.

This folder contains a number of scripts that are used to create the page’s layout and appearance. The scripts include functions to create the title bar, navigation bar, and content areas, as well as to add text and images to the page.php file also includes a number of files that control the way the page is displayed in the WordPress admin area. The most important of these files is the “template-parts.

php” file. This file contains a number of functions that are used to control the layout and appearance of pages in the WordPress admin area.

The default Page.php file includes a number of options that you can use to customize the look and feel of pages in the WordPress admin area.

The most important of these options is the “theme_options” section. This section includes a number of options that allow you to control the appearance of the page’s title bar, navigation bar, and content areas.php file also includes a number of hooks that you can use to customize the way the page is displayed in the WordPress admin area. The most important of these hooks is the “template_preprocess” hook.

This hook allows you to add custom code to the template_parts.php file before it is processed by the WordPress engine.php file is a important part of the WordPress admin area, and it is used to create pages in the WordPress admin area.

The default Page.