What Is a Child Page in WordPress?

A child page is a page that doesn’t have its own posts or pages. It’s just a place where you can put content that doesn’t have its own page.

For example, you might have a blog post that’s a summary of a blog post that’s already on your site. You can put that summary on a child page so that people can read it without having to go to the blog post that it’s a summary of.

A child page also makes it easy for you to organize your content. For example, if you have a blog post about a topic, you can put all the related images and posts on a child page.

This way, you can keep your site’s layout neat and tidy without having to create separate pages for each post.

A child page is a great way to organize your content and make your site look neater. Just be sure to keep things organized so that people can easily find what they’re looking for.