What Do I Do With WordPress Plugins?

WordPress plugins help you do things like add new features to your website, change the look and feel of your site, or add new functionality to your WordPress site.

There are many different types of WordPress plugins, and the best way to find the right plugin for your needs is to read the reviews and try out a few plugins before deciding on a winner.

Once you’ve found a plugin that you want to use, the next step is to install it. To do this, you’ll need to log in to your WordPress site and go to the Plugins section.

There, you’ll find a list of all the plugins that are currently installed on your site.

To install a plugin, just click on the name of the plugin that you want to install and then click the “Install” button. WordPress will then take you through the necessary steps to install the plugin.

Once the plugin is installed, you’ll need to activate it. To do this, go to the Plugins section and click on the “Activate” button next to the plugin that you want to activate.

WordPress will then take you through the necessary steps to activate the plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, you’ll be able to use it on your WordPress site. If you have any questions about using a plugin, just go to the WordPress forums and ask the community what they think about the plugin that you’re trying to use.

They’ll be more than happy to help you out.

Best of luck with using WordPress plugins!


WordPress plugins are a great way to add new features or functionality to your WordPress site. To use a plugin, you’ll first need to install it and then activate it.

WordPress users can find plugins and ask for help on the forums.