What Happens When You Switch Themes in WordPress?

When you switch themes in WordPress, the user interface, posts, media, and other content all change. Depending on the theme, some of these changes might be minor, while others might be more significant.

In most cases, the basic structure of your posts, pages, and themes remains the same. However, the look and feel of the interface and content can be drastically different.

Major Theme Changes

Some themes completely change the look and feel of the WordPress user interface, while others merely modify it. For example, the Twenty Fifteen theme completely replaces the WordPress default interface with a sleek, modern design.

Other themes merely change elements like the header, footer, and background colors.

Some themes also include their own custom post types, menus, and other features. For example, the Divi theme includes its own custom post type, pages, and custom menus.

Minor Theme Changes

Many themes merely modify the look and feel of the WordPress user interface. For example, the Twenty Fifteen theme changes the header, footer, and background colors, while the Divi theme includes its own custom menus.

Most theme changes are minor, but they can still have a significant impact on your WordPress site. For example, if you use a theme that includes its own custom menus, you’ll need to migrate your existing menus to the new theme.


Switching themes in WordPress can radically change the look and feel of your site. Some changes are minor, while others are more significant.

It’s important to review the changes implemented by each theme before making any changes to your site.