What Does Agency Mean in WordPress Themes?

When you first install a WordPress theme, you’re given a few options to configure. One of these is the “theme options” tab, which gives you access to a variety of settings that control how your theme behaves.

One of these settings is “theme option” called “Agency.”.

By default, the “Agency” setting is set to “No Agency.” This means that the theme will not control how content is displayed across the site.

Instead, the WordPress core will take care of that.

If you want your theme to take control of how content is displayed, you need to set the “Agency” setting to “Yes.” This will allow your theme to override the WordPress core’s default settings, and decide how content should be displayed on the site.

There are a few reasons you might want to set the “Agency” setting to “Yes.” One reason is if you want your theme to be the primary engine that controls how content is displayed on the site.

Another reason is if you want to create a unique look for your site, and you don’t want the WordPress core to interfere.

However, there are also some risks associated with setting the “Agency” setting to “Yes.” One risk is that your theme might become too powerful, and it might start to override the WordPress core’s default settings.

Another risk is that your theme might not work as expected if the WordPress core’s default settings change.

Overall, it’s important to consider the pros and cons of setting the “Agency” setting before you make the decision. If you’re unsure whether or not to set the “Agency” setting to “Yes,” consult with a theme expert or your WordPress theme’s documentation.