What Are the Two Major Classification of WordPress Themes?

There are two primary ways to classify WordPress themes:

A WordPress theme is a collection of files that defines the look and feel of your website. A theme typically includes a header file, a style.

css file, and a footer file. WordPress themes are typically activated through the Appearance => Themes menu option.

A WordPress theme framework is a collection of code files that helps you build custom themes. A theme framework typically includes a composer.json file, a style.css file, and a template.

php file. WordPress themes built with a theme framework typically include a number of pre-built components, such as a header file, a footer file, and a custom 404 page.

There are a number of theme frameworks available, including Twenty Twelve, Bootstrap, and Foundation. While each has its own advantages, most WordPress theme developers use one of the three major theme frameworks: WordPress, Bootstrap, or Foundation.