What Are the Default WordPress Themes?

WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) used to create websites. It comes with a variety of pre-installed themes that can be used to create a website.

The default WordPress themes are as follows:

Blank – This is the default theme and it is used to create a new website.

Brick – This theme is used to create a website that looks like a brick wall.

Cherry – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a cherry wood table.

Chocolate – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a chocolate cake.

Cobalt – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a cobalt blue bowl.

Cosmo – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a cosmos cloud.

Dark – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a dark sky.

Dusk – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like evening shadows.

Forest – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a forest.

Grape – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a grapevine.

Ice – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like an ice cream sundae.

Lavender – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a lavender field.

Lemon – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a lemon.

Luna – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a moon.

Maroon – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a maroon shirt.

Midnight – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like midnight.

Opal – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like an opal.

Osprey – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like an osprey.

Pine – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a pine tree.

Platinum – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a platinum ring.

Quartz – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a quartz stone.

Ruby – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a ruby.

Sand – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like sand.

Sapphire – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a sapphire.

Steel – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like steel.

Teal – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a teal ocean.

Turquoise – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a turquoise blue ocean.

Violet – This is the default theme used to create a website that looks like a violet.


There are a variety of default WordPress themes that can be used to create a website. They all have different styles and colors that can be customized to create a website that looks like the desired theme.