What Are the Dimensions of a WordPress Page?

When you create a new WordPress page, you’re given a few options on how big it can be.

The default is set to 1024 pixels wide by 768 pixels high. You can raise or lower these values, but be aware that you may need to adjust the margins as well.

When you’re finished setting up your page, click the Publish button to start sharing your content with the world.

WordPress pages are designed to be viewable on most devices, from desktop computers to smartphones and even tablets.

However, the size of a page will vary depending on the device that’s viewing it.

On a desktop computer, a page with a width of 1024 pixels will be wide enough to show most content without scrolling.

On a smartphone or tablet, a page with a width of 750 pixels will be wide enough to show most content, but users may need to scroll to see the bottom of the page.

A page with a width of 600 pixels will be slightly narrower than a page with a width of 750 pixels, and may be too narrow to show all of the content on a smartphone or tablet.

A page with a width of 300 pixels will be slightly narrower than a page with a width of 600 pixels, and may be too narrow to show all of the content on a desktop computer.