What Are Post Revisions WordPress?

In the world of WordPress, revisions are a big deal. Just think about it: every time you make a change to your WordPress site, you’re essentially creating a new version of the site.

And that’s a good thing! You can use revisions to improve your site’s structure, design, and functionality.

When you create a new revision of your WordPress site, you’re essentially telling WordPress that you want to keep all of the changes you’ve made to the site in that revision. WordPress keeps track of all the revisions you’ve made, and it uses those revisions to help you manage your site.

So how do you create a new revision of your WordPress site? Here’s how:

First, go to the WordPress site you want to revise. In the main menu, click the “Posts” tab.

Next, click the “Revisions” link in the Posts tab.

Now you can see all the revisions of your site. Click the “Create Revision” button to create a new revision of your site.

To keep your changes in a specific revision of your site, go to the “Revisions” tab, click the “Edit” link next to the revision you want to keep, and make your changes.

When you’re finished, click the “Save Changes” button.

Now your changes are saved in the revision you just created.

That’s all there is to it! WordPress will now keep track of the changes you’ve made to the revision you just created, and it will use those changes to help you manage your site.

So if you want to make a change to a post, page, or plugin in your WordPress site, you first need to create a new revision of the site. Then you can make your changes and save them.

WordPress will use the changes you made to the new revision to help you manage your site.

Revisions are a great way to keep your WordPress site organized and updated. Thanks for using WordPress!.