What Are Post Attributes WordPress?

Post Attributes are a WordPress feature that let you add custom data to a post or page. This data can be used to help you track your posts and pages, or to create custom content types.

Post attributes are stored in the post’s metadata, just like the title, slug, and excerpt. To add a new attribute, open the post’s metadata page (click the “Metadata” button in the post editor toolbar, or click the “Metadata” tab in the post detail page), and click the “Add New Attribute” button.

The “Add New Attribute” form lets you enter a name for the attribute, and a description. You can also enter a value for the attribute.

The “Type” drop-down list lets you choose between “Text” and “Number.” The “Format” drop-down list lets you choose between “Text” and “Number.”.

The “Display” drop-down list lets you choose between “Post” and “Page.” The “Page” option lets you add an attribute to the post’s page, rather than the post itself.

The “Save Changes” button saves your changes to the post’s metadata.

The “Remove Attribute” button removes the attribute from the post’s metadata.

You can use post attributes to create custom content types. For example, you can create a custom post type that stores post attributes in its metadata.

This way, you can use post attributes to track post types, or to create custom taxonomies.

Finally, post attributes are useful for creating custom post types. For example, you can use post attributes to store information about a post’s author, or to store information about the post’s content.