What Are Post Attributes in WordPress?

Post attributes provide additional information about a post that is not visible in the content of the post. This information can include the post’s ID, the post’s author, the post’s date, the post’s category, and more.

When you create a new post, WordPress automatically sets the post’s attributes to the values that you specified in the post’s title (and sometimes in the post’s body, if you include a slug).

You can change the values of a post’s attributes by selecting the post in the WordPress admin area and clicking the Edit button. Then, in the Edit Post dialog box, click the Attribute button and enter the new values.

WordPress also saves the values of a post’s attributes in the post’s database record. So, if you delete a post, its attributes are deleted as well.

While post attributes are useful, they’re not always required. For example, if you’re just posting a picture, you don’t need to include the post’s author or date.

The bottom line is that post attributes are a convenient way to store extra information about a post, but you don’t need to use them all the time.