What Is Post Title in WordPress?

Post Title in WordPress is a text that appears at the top of every post in a blog or website. It’s also the title of the post’s main heading in the WordPress blog header.

The title is used to help readers quickly find your posts.

The title can be anything you want, but it should be catchy and keyword-rich. Try to make your post titles reflect the content of your posts.

For example, if you write about cooking recipes, make your post title “Cooking Recipes.” If you write about travel tips, make your post title “Tips for Traveling.”.

When you create a post, the title text box is automatically populated with the post’s title. You don’t need to worry about it, but it’s a good idea to check the title occasionally to make sure it’s accurate and reflects the content of your post.

If you need to change the title of a post, you can do so by clicking on the title text box and entering a new title in the text box. You can also use the title text box to add a subtitle to your post.

Finally, remember to include a post title in your WordPress post’s meta data. This information includes the post’s author, date, and other information.

The post title is typically the first item in the meta data section.