What Are Categories in WordPress Menu?

Categories are one of the most important features of WordPress menus. They allow you to group related posts and pages together so that they’re easier to find.

When you create a category in WordPress, you create a custom post type. This means that you can set up custom post types to handle all your blog’s content.

When you create a category, you’re also given the option to add a taxonomy to it. This is a custom term that WordPress uses to group your posts and pages together.

You can use this to create categories that are more specific or easier to understand. For example, you could create a category called “Travel” and assign all your posts and pages about traveling to that category.

This makes it much easier to find the posts and pages that you’re looking for.

In conclusion, categories are one of the most important features of WordPress menus.

When you create a category, you’re also given the option to add a taxonomy to it. This makes it much easier to find the posts and pages that you’re looking for.