How Do I Show Menu Categories in WordPress?

Menu categories are an important part of any WordPress site, as they make it easy for users to find the content they are looking for. There are a few different ways to display menu categories in WordPress, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages.

The most popular way to display menu categories is to place them in a drop-down menu located at the top of the screen. This is the method that WordPress default settings use. However, this method has two disadvantages.

First, it can be difficult for users to find the menu categories, especially if they are not familiar with WordPress. Second, it can be difficult for users to navigate through the menu if there are a lot of categories.

One way to improve the usability of menu categories is to make them collapsible. This way, users can expand or collapse the categories to see more or less content, respectively.

First, it can be difficult to make the categories collapsible. Second, it can be difficult to keep the categories collapsed while users are browsing the site.

One way to improve the usability of menu categories is to use drop-down menus located in the post content. This way, users can see the menu categories as they are browsing through the posts.

First, it can be difficult for users to find the post content if the menu categories are not located near the top of the screen.

One way to improve the usability of menu categories is to use tabbed menus. This way, users can see the menu categories as they are browsing through the posts, as well as the posts themselves.

The final way to display menu categories is to use a custom menu. This way, users can create their own custom menu, and the menu will be displayed in the same place as the WordPress menus. This method has two advantages.

First, it is easier for users to find the menu categories. Second, it is easier for users to navigate through the menu.