Ten Organization and Non Profit Themes That Will Blow You Away

Every organization requires the right type of presentation if it is to become a successful one. With a beautiful website, which also has lots of useful information, and presents what you do in the best possible way, your cause will be widely spread and people will be talking about you. But you need a solid base. This is where our suggestions will come in hand.


This is a great choice if you want to create a website with which you can collect donations for a cause or organization. The design of the theme is simple and the layout is straight to the point. You can easily translate the theme into any language you want, making it reachable by more people.

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2. Heartfelt

Heartfelt is a beautiful theme with a modern and fully responsive design which allows you to present your cause on any type of device. The theme really looks professionally built and will leave a good impression with its design in any person. Make your cause a popular one with this enchanting theme.

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3. Dunamis

Dunamis is a perfect fit for a modern church, or even for events. It has a modern design with lots of features included. The large sliders allow you to add life to your text via images, and the parallax effects just add value to the already great browsing experience.

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4. Politicize

Even though the name of the theme might not sound like it’s meant for a non-profit organization, we can assure you that with Politicize you can make one of the most visually stunning websites for a cause or organization. It’s simple to use and the end result is just amazing. Go give the demo a try and see for yourself!

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5. FellowShip

A simple to use theme with lots of customization capabilities. You have the ability to take advantage of a powerful admin panel, page builder, and color scheme customizer. You can create fixed countdowns to your more important events. As for user experience, it’s notable to say that FellowShip is speed optimized.

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6. Eco Nature

We’ve reviewed a lot of themes and we can tell you that this is one of the most visually aesthetic themes that we’ve ever seen. It’s a great catch for nature and eco related organizations and charities. The theme includes features which will help you make your audience more eco-minded.

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7. Graceland

Graceland is a multipurpose non-profit theme. You can easily create a suitable website for your church, charity, organization, or event with Graceland. It’s a feature rich theme, some of the included plugins being: Revolution slider, Layer Slider, WooCommerce, and a PayPal donation system. And that’s not all of it, there are lots more surprises waiting for you.

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8. Community Center

This is a theme for those of you who want a simple website, without too many colors and distractions, and a website which get you straight to the point. Optimized for mobile performance, this is a great choice if you are an organization or charity which has a widespread audience, vividly interested in your activity.

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9. Prayer

A modern theme for a modern church. Prayer has lots of features and tools which will help you build a website that is going to spread your message. One of the great things about Prayer is that it has great social media interaction. Also, you have custom post types for all of your needs – including audio, video, and excerpts.

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10. Deeds

A very flexible theme for the modern church. Deeds comes with more than 6 predefined layouts which are a great building base for your personalized website. You have donation modules, beautiful sliders, and a fully responsive theme optimized for mobile device browsing.

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Non profit websites usually have an aura of innocence about them. This is just one of the criteria we’ve been looking for in each theme. We believe that, currently, this is the best that you can get. Have fun building your website, and we wish you success!

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