Is a WordPress Post a Slug?

A slug is a unique identifier for a post on a WordPress site. A slug is created by taking the post’s title and replacing all of the letters with numbers.

For example, the title of this article would be ” Slugging It Out: A Guide to Post Slugs .”.

WordPress uses slugs to help you organize your posts. For example, you can create a category called “Slugs” and then post all of your slugged posts in that category.

When you’re editing a post, you can enter the slug of the post that you want to edit into the ” slug ” field in the post’s header.

A slug is not the same as a URL. A URL is the address of a WordPress site, and a slug is just a unique identifier for a post.

For example, the URL for this article is ” slugging-it-out-a-guide-to-post-slugs .” The slug for the post that you’re reading right now is ” slugging-it-out .


A slug is a unique identifier for a post on a WordPress site. WordPress uses slugs to help you organize your posts.