How Do Plugins Work in WordPress?

Plugins are small programs that can be added to WordPress to enhance the functionality of the website. They can be used to add new features to the website, to change how the website looks, or to add new functionality.

When a plugin is installed on a WordPress website, it is added to the Plugins screen in the WordPress Admin area. The Plugins screen shows a list of all the plugins installed on the website, as well as information about each plugin.

To use a plugin on a WordPress website, first you need to find it on the Plugins screen. The first time you visit the Plugins screen, it will be empty, because you have not installed any plugins.

To install a plugin, click on the Add New button (or press the plus sign near the top of the screen).

The Add New Plugin screen will appear. On this screen, you will need to provide some information about the plugin.

The most important information on this screen is the name of the plugin, which will be shown in the WordPress Admin area and on the Plugins screen.

You will also need to provide a description of the plugin, which will be shown on the Plugin screen and on the WordPress Admin area.

After you have provided the information on the Add New Plugin screen, click on the Install button (or press the green arrow near the top of the screen).

The plugin will be installed on your website, and a message will be displayed telling you how to activate the plugin.