How Are Plugins Loaded in WordPress?

WordPress plugins are typically loaded in one of two ways: through the WordPress plugin directory, or through the WordPress plugin repository.

The WordPress plugin directory is where WordPress looks for plugins when it starts up. It’s located at wp-content/plugins .

The plugin directory is searchable, so you can easily find the plugin you’re looking for.

The WordPress plugin repository is a different location where WordPress downloads plugins. It’s located at wp-content/plugins/repository .

You can’t search the WordPress plugin repository, but you can easily browse through the plugins it contains.

Once a plugin is installed, it’s available for use in your WordPress site. To activate a plugin, you need to add a line to your WordPress site’s wp-config.

php file. The line looks like this:.

define(‘WP_PLUGIN’, ‘plugin_name’);

The plugin_name parameter is the name of the plugin.