How Do I Show the Footer Menu in WordPress?

Footer menus are a common feature on websites, and are often used to provide links to different sections of the website. WordPress provides a built-in footer menu, which can be accessed by clicking on the menu icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

The footer menu can be customized to include different sections, and can be accessed by clicking on the menu items.

To add a footer menu to your WordPress site, first make sure that you have installed the WordPress footer plugin. Once the plugin has been installed, click on the Appearance menu item in the WordPress main menu, and then click on Footer Menu.

The footer menu will appear in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

To add a menu item to the footer menu, first click on the Add New Menu Item button. This will open a new window, in which you can enter the menu item name and description.

The menu item will also appear in the footer menu.

To add a link to a different section of your website from the footer menu, first click on the Add New Link button. This will open a new window, in which you can enter the URL of the website.

The link will appear in the footer menu, and will also appear in the main menu.

To customize the appearance of the footer menu, first click on the Appearance tab on the footer menu. This will open a new window, in which you can change the menu text, font, and color.

You can also add images to the footer menu, and change the positioning of the menu items.

Finally, you can add a custom footer template to the WordPress site. To do this, first click on the Add Custom HTML button.

This will open a new window, in which you can enter the custom footer template code. The footer template will appear in the footer menu, and will also appear in the main menu.