How Do I Add a Footer Menu in WordPress?

Adding a footer menu in WordPress is a fairly simple process. First, you will need to create a new file in your WordPress theme directory, called footer.

php. This file will contain the code that will create the footer menu.

The first line of the footer.php file should contain the following code:

require_once(“././ theme_dir /includes/footer.


This line is required, and it will load the footer.php file located in the theme directory. Next, you will need to add some basic HTML code to the footer.

php file. This code will create a simple menu that will list all of the WordPress plugins and themes installed on your website.

To create the menu, you will need to use the following code:


  • Themes
  • ?>.

    The code above will create a menu that will list all of the WordPress plugins and themes installed on your website. You can also include additional menu items by adding additional HTML code to the footer. For example, you could add a link to the WordPress admin area, or a list of all of the posts on your website.


    Adding a footer menu in WordPress is a fairly simple process.php.

    Next, you will need to add some basic HTML code to the footer.php file.