How Do I Show Menu Title in WordPress?

Menu titles are one of the most important pieces of information on a WordPress website. They are the first thing visitors see when they visit your site, and they can help you to orient yourself and decide which pages to visit.

To create a menu title, you first need to decide what your site is about. Is it a blog? A business website? A portfolio? Once you have determined your site’s purpose, you can begin to think about what topics you would like to include on your menu.

Once you have determined what you want to include on your menu, you can begin to think about how you would like to display your menu title. You can choose to display your menu title as a caption beneath your menu items, or as a large headline at the top of your menu.

Which approach you choose will depend on your site’s design and content. However, no matter how you choose to display your menu title, be sure to keep it consistent throughout your site.

When it comes to menu titles, consistency is key. So be sure to make sure your title is appropriate for your site, and make sure it is displayed in a consistent manner throughout your site.