How Do I Find Menu ID in WordPress?

If you are looking for a specific menu item in your WordPress site, you can use the menu ID. Menu IDs are unique identifiers for each menu in a WordPress site. To find the menu ID for a particular menu, you can use the following steps:

1. Open your WordPress site in a web browser.

2. Click the WordPress menu (the three lines in the top left corner of the screen).

3. In the menu that opens, click the Posts menu item.

4. The Posts menu has three sub-menu items: Posts, Pages, and Categories.

Click the Categories menu item.

5. The Categories menu has two sub-menu items: Posts by Category and Posts by Author.

Click the Posts by Category sub-menu item.

6. The Posts by Category sub-menu has a list of all the posts in your site.

The first column is the post ID, and the second column is the category ID. The category ID is the same as the menu ID.

7. If you are looking for a specific menu item, such as the About menu item, you can use the post ID instead of the category ID.

To find the post ID for a post, click the Posts by Author sub-menu item, and then click the name of the post in the list. The post ID is in the third column of the resulting page.