How Do I Find My WordPress Sitemap URL?

If you want to make sure that your website is being crawled by search engines, you’ll need to submit your website to the Google Webmaster Central Index and add a sitemap to your website.

To find your WordPress sitemap URL, log in to your WordPress site and go to the “Sites” menu item. There, you’ll see a list of all the pages on your website.

Click on the “Sitemap” link on the left-hand side of the “Pages” list. This will open a new window that displays your sitemap.

To add your website to the Google Webmaster Central Index, visit Google’s Webmaster Tools and click on the “Indexing” tab. In the “Indexing” tab, click on the “Sitemaps” link. On the “Sitemaps” page, click on the “Add new sitemap” button. In the “Sitemap Title” field, enter “WordPress Site Map.

” In the “Sitemap URL” field, enter the URL of your WordPress sitemap. Click on the “Save” button.

Now, every time someone visits your website, Google will check to see if your sitemap is available. If it isn’t, Google will add your website to the index and start indexing your pages.