How Do I Show Alt Text on an Image in WordPress?

Images in WordPress can be customized with alt text, which is a text description that is shown when an image is clicked or when it is used in a post or page. This text can be used to provide additional information about the image, or to help readers understand what the image is depicting.

To add alt text to an image in WordPress, first click the image in the post or page. Then, from the contextual menu that appears, select “Edit Image.

” In the “Image Properties” window that opens, scroll down to the “Alt Text” field and enter the text you want to appear below the image. Click the “OK” button to save your changes.

When you publish your post or page, the alt text you entered will be shown below the image. If you want to change the alt text later, you can do so by clicking the image again, and then selecting “Edit Image” from the contextual menu.

In the “Image Properties” window that opens, scroll down to the “Alt Text” field and change the text you want to appear.

Finally, if you want to use an image without any alt text, you can do so by clicking the “No Image” button next to the “Alt Text” field.