How Do I Get Alt Text From an Image in WordPress?

Adding alt text to images in WordPress can be a helpful way to provide additional context for images and to help users easily find the images they’re looking for.

To add alt text to an image in WordPress, first determine the file’s path. Then, use the file’s path as the argument to the get_alt() function.

For example, to get the alt text for the image located at path “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/sample.jpg” in WordPress, you would use the following code:


If the alt text for the image doesn’t already exist, WordPress will create it and return it as a string.

To create a shortened version of the alt text for an image, you can use the short_desc() function. For example, to create a shortened version of the alt text for the image located at path “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/sample.jpg” in WordPress, you would use the following code:

short_desc(“Sample Image”, “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/sample.jpg”);

Finally, to include the alt text in an image’s HTML, you can use the alt attribute. For example, to include the alt text for the image located at path “/wp-content/uploads/2014/05/sample.jpg” in WordPress, you would use the following code:

Sample Image.