How Do I Show a Specific Category in a WordPress Post?

It can be difficult to show a specific category in a WordPress post. There are a few ways to do this. One way is to use the categories widget.

You can find the categories widget in the Widgets area of your WordPress dashboard. Once you have the widget loaded, you can select the category you want to show in your post. .

Another way to show a specific category in a WordPress post is to use the category shortcode. You can find the category shortcode in the Styles area of your WordPress dashboard.

Once you have the shortcode loaded, you can enter the category name into the text field and the post will be displayed in that category.

A final way to show a specific category in a WordPress post is to use the category tags field. You can find the category tags field in the Settings area of your WordPress dashboard.

Once you have the field loaded, you can enter the category tags into the text field and the post will be displayed with those tags.