How Do I See Plugins in WordPress?

Plugin-based WordPress is a powerful way to extend and customize your website or blog. You can install plugins from the WordPress Plugin Directory or from within your WordPress admin area.

When you install a plugin, it adds a new menu item to the WordPress admin area, and a new toolbar button to the WordPress toolbar.

To see all the plugins currently installed on your website or blog, click the “Plugins” menu item in the WordPress admin area, and then click the “Available Plugins” tab. The list of plugins in the “Available Plugins” tab is sorted by popularity.

The “Installed Plugins” tab shows all the plugins that are currently installed on your website or blog. The list of plugins in the “Installed Plugins” tab is sorted by name.

To find a specific plugin, enter the plugin name into the “Search” box, and then press the keyboard’s Enter key. The plugin’s description appears in the “Results” box.

To disable a plugin, click the “Disable” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab. To enable a plugin, click the “Enable” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab.

To remove a plugin from your website or blog, click the “Delete” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab.

When you disable a plugin, its functions are disabled but the plugin’s files are not deleted. When you uninstall a plugin, its files are deleted.

To change the order in which plugins are loaded, click the “Order” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab.

To change the order in which plugins are enabled, click the “Order” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab, and then click the “Enabled” button.

To change the order in which plugins are disabled, click the “Order” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab, and then click the “Disable” button.

To change the order in which plugins are deleted, click the “Order” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab, and then click the “Delete” button.

To learn more about how to use plugins on your website or blog, click the “Help” button next to the plugin’s name in the “Available Plugins” or “Installed Plugins” tab.

When you install a plugin, WordPress adds a new menu item to the WordPress admin area, and a new toolbar button to the WordPress toolbar.

When you disable a plugin, its functions are disabled but the plugin’.