How Do I See Page Revisions in WordPress?

When you publish a post on your WordPress site, it’s automatically saved as a version. You can see the version history for any post or page by clicking the “History” link in the post or page’s header.

Every time you make a change to a post or page, WordPress records that change and updates the version number accordingly. You can also use the “Version” dropdown in the post’s header to see all the versions of that post.

If you want to revert a post or page to a previous version, you can use the “Revision History” link in the post’s header to view a list of all the changes that were made to that post or page since it was last published.

You can also use the “Revision History” link in the post’s header to go back to a specific version of the post. Just enter the version number that you want to return to, and WordPress will take you right to that version of the post.

If you want to keep a post or page as a current version but make a number of changes to it, you can use the “Edit” button in the post’s header to open the post in your default editor. When you’re finished making your changes, you can click the “Publish” button to save the updated version of the post.

WordPress also keeps track of the last time each post or page was updated. If you want to compare the current version of a post with the last version that was published, you can click the “Compare” button in the post’s header.


As you can see, it’s easy to keep track of your revisions and changes to your posts and pages with WordPress. Just use the “History” and “Version” links in the post’s header to get started.