How Do I Edit a Page List in WordPress?

When you’re creating a page list in WordPress, you’ll need to add a new row to the table of contents. To do this, click on the Add New Row button at the bottom of the table of contents.

In the new row, you’ll need to provide the title of the page you want to add to the list, as well as the slug of the page. The slug is the unique identifier that WordPress uses to identify pages on your site.

To create the link for the page, you’ll need to provide the URL for the page. You can either provide the URL as a plain text string or you can use an URL shortner, like bit.


When you’re finished, click on the OK button to add the new row to the table of contents.

Now, you’ll need to add the page to the list of pages on your site. To do this, click on the Pages link at the top of the WordPress admin screen and then select the page you want to add from the list of pages.

Then, click on the Add link next to the Page List row in the table of contents.

Now, you’ll need to provide the title of the page and the slug of the page. The title is the text that will appear in the title bar of the page, and the slug is the unique identifier that WordPress uses to identify pages on your site.

Finally, you’ll need to provide the link to the page. You can either provide the URL for the page as a plain text string or you can use an URL shortner, like bit.

When you’re finished, click on the OK button to add the page to the list of pages on your site.

Now, you can view the page list on your site by clicking on the Pages link at the top of the WordPress admin screen and then clicking on the page list row for the site you’re working on.

When you’re finished editing the page list, you can click on the Close button to close the WordPress admin screen. Then, you can save your changes by clicking on the Save button.