How Do I Restrict Access to WordPress Plugins?

There are a few ways you can restrict access to WordPress plugins.

The first is to use the wp_options table to control which plugins can be activated. To do this, add a column to the table called “allowed_plugins”.

This column should contain a comma-separated list of plugin names. Any plugin in this list will be activated when the WordPress site is activated.

The second way to restrict access to WordPress plugins is to use the wp_admin_options table. This table is used to control various aspects of the WordPress site, and is located in the wp-includes/theme-plugins folder. To restrict access to a specific plugin, add a column to this table called “plugin_name”.

The value in this column should be the name of the plugin you want to restrict access to. Any plugin that tries to access this column will be denied access.

The third way to restrict access to WordPress plugins is to use the wp_protect_comment.php file. This file is located in the wp-includes/plugin-install.php folder, and is used to protect comments from being edited by unauthorized users.

To restrict access to a specific plugin, add a column to this file called “plugin_name”. The value in this column should be the name of the plugin you want to restrict access to.

The last way to restrict access to WordPress plugins is to use the wp_enforce_plugin_security.php folder, and is used to enforce security measures for specific plugins.