How Do I Restore Missing WordPress Featured Image Screen?

If you have lost or misplaced the WordPress featured image screen, there are a few things that you can do to try and restore it.

First, you can try to find a copy of the featured image file that was used on your site. If you can’t find a copy, you can try to find a screenshot of the featured image screen to get an idea of how it was configured.

If you can’t find a copy of the featured image file or a screenshot, you can try to restore the featured image screen using the wp_get_image() function. This function can be used to retrieve the featured image for a post or page.

If you can’t find a copy of the featured image file or restore the featured image screen using the wp_get_image() function, you can try to create a new featured image using the wp_post_thumbnail() function. This function can be used to create a thumbnail for a post or page.