How Do I Restore a Previous Version of a WordPress Site?

The process of restoring a previous version of a WordPress site is simple, but it can be time-consuming. To restore a previous version of a WordPress site, first log in to your account and go to the “Posts” page.

Here, you’ll see a list of all the posts and pages on your site.

Click on the post or page you want to restore. This will open the post in a new window.

On the left side of the window, you’ll see a “Version History” section. In this section, you’ll see a list of versions of the post or page, from the most recent version to the version you want to restore.

To restore a previous version of the post or page, select the version you want to restore from the Version History list and click on the “Restore” button. This will open a new window that will contain the post or page from the selected version.

If you’re restoring a post, you’ll also need to copy the post’s ID (the number at the top of the post’s content) and paste it into a new window that will open. This ID is unique to each post and is needed to restore the post correctly.

Once you’ve restored the post or page, click on the “Publish” button to publish it again and update the site’s content.

If you’re restoring a page, you won’t need to copy the page’s ID. Instead, you’ll need to copy the URL (the address of the page) and paste it into a new window that will open.

This URL is unique to each page and is needed to restore the page correctly.

Once you’ve restored the page, click on the “Publish” button to publish it again and update the site’s content.

Finally, if you’re restoring a post or page that has been deleted, be sure to click on the “Erase” button before publishing the post or page again. This will remove the post or page from the site and restore it to its original state.

The process of restoring a previous version of a WordPress site is simple, but it can be time-consuming. If you need to restore a previous version of a post or page, be sure to copy the post’s ID (the number at the top of the post’s content) and paste it into a new window that will open.