How Do I Add a Script to a Menu in WordPress?

Adding a Script to a Menu in WordPress
There are several methods you can use to add a script to a WordPress menu. The most common way is to use the add_menu_item() function.

This function takes three arguments: the name of the menu item, the text for the menu item, and the position in the menu. Here’s an example:.

add_menu_item(‘My Menu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Menu menu’);

The second method is to use the register_menu_item() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_menu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, menu_class.

This argument tells WordPress what class to use to display the menu item.

register_menu_item(‘My Menu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Menu menu’, ‘my-menu’);

The third method is to use the wp_nav_menu() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_menu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, menu_id.

This argument tells WordPress what menu to add the item to.

wp_nav_menu(array(‘menu_id’ => ‘my-menu’));

The fourth method is to use the add_submenu_item() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_menu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, submenu_id.

This argument tells WordPress what submenu to add the item to.

add_submenu_item(‘My Submenu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Submenu submenu’);

The fifth method is to use the create_submenu() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_submenu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, parent_menu_id.

This argument tells WordPress what parent menu to add the item to.

create_submenu(‘My Submenu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Submenu submenu’, ‘my-menu’);

The sixth method is to use the register_nav_menu() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_submenu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, nav_menu_id.

This argument tells WordPress what nav_menu to add the item to.

register_nav_menu(‘My Nav Menu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Nav Menu nav_menu’);

The seventh method is to use the wp_submenu() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_submenu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, submenu_id.

wp_submenu(array(‘submenu_id’ => ‘my-submenu’));

The eighth method is to use the add_submenu() function. This function takes the same three arguments as wp_submenu(), but it also takes a fourth argument, parent_submenu_id.

This argument tells WordPress what parent submenu to add the item to.

add_submenu(‘My Submenu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Submenu submenu’, ‘my-submenu’);

The ninth method is to use the wp_breadcrumb() function. This function takes the same three arguments as add_submenu_item(), but it also takes a fourth argument, path.

This argument tells WordPress where to put the breadcrumb for the submenu.

wp_breadcrumb(‘My Submenu’, path(‘My Submenu’));

The tenth method is to use the create_submenu() function. This function takes the same three arguments as wp_breadcrumb(), but it also takes a fourth argument, parent_submenu_id.

create_submenu(‘My Submenu’, ‘This is a text item in the My Submenu submenu’, ‘my-submenu’);

The conclusion:

There are a number of ways you can add a script to a WordPress menu.