How Do I Resize an Image Before Uploading to WordPress?

When uploading an image to a WordPress blog or website, it is often necessary to resize the image before uploading. There are a few ways to resize an image in WordPress: using the resize tool in the image editor, using an external program such as Photoshop, or using the WordPress resize function.

To resize an image using the image editor, open the image in the editor and select the resize tool from the toolbar. Drag the bottom-left corner of the image to the desired size and release the mouse button.

The image will automatically resize to the new size.

To resize an image using an external program, first open the image in the program and select the resize tool.

To resize an image using the WordPress resize function, first paste the image URL into the WordPress resize text field at the bottom of the post or page. The image will be automatically resized to the size specified in the text field.