How Do I Redirect a Parent Page to a Child Page in WordPress?

In WordPress, it is possible to redirect your parent page to a child page. To do this, you will first need to create a child page for your parent page. Once you have created the child page, you will need to add a redirect rule to your parent page. To add a redirect rule, you will first need to open your parent page in your WordPress admin area. Once you have opened the parent page, you will need to click on the “Redirects” link in the sidebar. From here, you will be able to add a redirect rule.

To add the redirect rule, you will need to enter the URL of the child page into the “ Redirect to ” field. You will also need to enter the URL of the parent page into the “ Destination ” field. Once you have entered the information, you will need to click on the “ Save Changes ” button. Finally, you will need to click on the “ View Redirects ” link to view the redirect rule. Once you have viewed the redirect rule, you will need to click on the “ Update Pages ” button to update the parent page. Once you have updated the parent page, you will need to click on the “ Publish ” button to publish the changes to your site.